Saffron Alternative Healing
Upcoming Classes
Are you ready to transform your life, heal deeply from past stress and trauma and align your life how it is intended for your greater good? Reiki is a natural and beautiful energy that we all have inside us, it just needs to be activated. It is so easy to learn Reiki as it works mainly through intuition. Attending a Reiki class is a beautiful thing, everyone that takes the course ends up feeling enlightened and renewed. There are no downsides to Reiki, it is only positive and healing energy. You cannot do too little or too much Reiki and it becomes an important part of your overall health and wellbeing.
What does Reiki energy do?
Improves the immune system
Accelerates healing and recovery
Assists the body in removing toxins
Releases stagnant, old and negative energy stored in the body and energy centers
Heals past trauma and stress without reliving it
Helps with anxiety and depression
Assists with natural healing
Relieves pain, discomfort and tension in the body
Enhances spiritual connection
Promotes personal awareness
Makes meditation easy and effortless
Improves sleep
Saffron Alternative Healing offers Usui/Holy Fire III® Reiki Levels 1 & 2 Courses, Usui/Holy Fire III® Reiki Masters Classes, and Usui/Holy Fire III® Karuna Reiki Classes. Please inquire to Michelle @ 403-740-6142 for upcoming classes.